social post ideas for skratch dealers: life skills, training, and recipes
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life skills + training

Your Shop Co.
Hydration Mix 101
Don't leave yourself high and dry. Come by the shop and pick up some Skratch Labs Hydration Sport Drink Mix. It was created for a simple purpose - to replace the electrolytes lost in sweat and to provide a little bit of energy when working out, without offending the palate or gut.
Skratch initially created this drink because some of the world’s best athletes needed better. Conventional sports drinks made them sick. They were undrinkable - too sweet, over-flavored, and didn’t even replace what was lost in sweat – which defeated the whole purpose, like fighting thirst with more thirst. Come see us to load up on your hydration needs so you can bust your butt not your gut! #skraatchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Why Water Isn't Enough
Your body is made up of 60-75% water and when you sweat, you begin to lose water quickly. To avoid cramping, nausea, confusion, cutting your workout early, or a DNF at your next race, you can’t just replace the water you lost. Replacing the sodium is critical to rehydrating successfully. Here at the shop stock up on Skratch Labs Hydration mix to replace what you need. We love Skratch because it is what you need and nothing more. No artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, or fillers. You don't sweat red dye, so why drink it?
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Why Water Isn't Enough
While drinking water alone is just fine if you’re sitting around or having dinner at home, drinking water alone is not fine if you’re trying to rehydrate when you’re sweating or have some illness or hangover that results in... we don't want you to lose your appetite.
Drinking water alone when we are exercising can be risky since we can lose an appreciable amount of sodium in our sweat (700 to 1400 mg per liter of sweat) and if we don’t replace that sodium then an influx of just water can dilute the sodium in our body. This can lead to a scenario called hyponatremia, which include symptoms like headache, confusion, a drop in performance, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, and more. This scenario can be avoided the closer one gets to replacing both the water and sodium lost in one's sweat.
In fact, even if you're not exactly matching the sodium lost in your sweat, during prolonged exercise in the heat at moderate to heavy sweat rates there is no situation where drinking water alone is better than a sports drink that contains a little bit of sugar and plenty of sodium. Here at the shop to solve this problem, we stock and use Skratch Hydration Sport Drink Mix. It replaces what you need with none of the extras like artificial colors or flavors. You don't sweat red dye so why drink it?
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs
To learn more head to the link:

Your Shop Co.
Sweat isn’t just water; it’s also made up of electrolytes, especially salt (or sodium chloride), which makes up about 90% of the electrolytes we lose.
Pro tip: Don't just drink water. If you fail to replace the electrolytes - specifically the sodium lost in sweat - you're setting your body up to feel like crap.
Stay hydrated and perform your best. Here's how:
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Our friends at Skratch want you to know: No sweat is created equally. We encourage folks to get a sodium sweat test done and then adjust their needs based on that information, effort, climate, etc. You won’t get precise numbers as a formal test but a DIY way to find what you might need to adjust is this method: Use a scale to weigh yourself before and after a workout. Any weight loss (where 1 lb is equal to 16 oz of water) plus the amount of fluid consumed while working out is your total sweat loss. That all said, if you're gaining weight over the course of a workout, then you are drinking too much. Ideally, try not to lose more than 3% of your body weight from dehydration.⠀⠀An important consideration, however, is that rehydration during exercise isn't just about water balance, it's also about sodium balance. What this means is that to adequately hydrate, you need to replace both the water and the sodium that you lose during exercise. Unfortunately, sweat sodium is highly individual and can vary anywhere from 400 mg to 2000 mg per liter of sweat, with an average somewhere between 700-900 mg per liter (Skratch Hydration Sport Drink Mix is 800 mg per liter). As a general rule of thumb, if you're not consuming enough salt relative to water, you'll find yourself needing to urinate frequently despite losing body weight due to sweat loss. On the other hand, if you're consuming too much salt relative to water, you'll find yourself wanting to drink more water and potentially gaining weight as the high salt intake might drive you to drink at a greater rate than your sweat loss.
Remember, hydration is about 2 needs:
1) Water Balance - Measure with a scale pre & post workout
2) Sodium Balance - Measure by listening to thirst
So....drink to thirst with Hydration Sport Drink Mix while you are working out or racing and if you are underweight after your workout/race add more salt… a few ways to do this:
-Do 1.5 scoops of Skratch per 16 Oz.
-Pre load with our Wellness or High-Sodium hydration mix. The day before and/or morning of event. -For a long/hot event sub in a serving of high-sodium for sport half way through.⠀

Your Shop Co.
How to Maintain Motivation Over the Holidays
Holidays got your routine out of whack? Many athletes tend to find it hard to balance training and even racing while also wanting to indulge in all the perks of the holidays (e.g., delicious meals, family obligations, parties, traveling, and other outdoor activities). Head to the link for steps from our friends at Skratch Labs to stay on track throughout the holiday season and avoid backtracking with your training and racing. Don't forget to come see us for your fuel and equipment needs to crush your goals!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Yoga for Endurance Athletes
As an endurance athlete, the thought of adding anything else to your already jam-packed schedule seems out of reach. Your alarm usually goes off at 4 a.m. and when you’re not doing your 9-5, you somehow manage to fit in 10+ hours of training a week.
We’ve got some good news for you: you don’t have to get your namastay on at a yoga studio, or spend an extra hour of your day practicing. Our friends over at Skratch Labs put together these yoga poses targeted specifically for endurance athletes so that you can get all of the benefits (build strength, recover quicker), without eating up your time.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Don't let the change of the seasons throw off your routine.
We've got you covered with some favorite hacks from the Skratch Labs and friends to help you have fun out there:
⚡ 💡 🔆
It’s Lit
▪️ Use the morning light to your advantage, exposure to sunlight in the morning can help reset your body clock and boost your mood.
▪️ Invest in some good quality lights for your sport.
🤘💥 🤘
Do It To It! Any bit counts.
▪️ Get in a morning workout! If you can get your full routine in, great! Even 15 minutes will help boost your energy in the darker winter days. Do the rest of your workout in the evening if you can't rally your full set in the morning.
🚲 🔦 ⌚
Get the Right Gear
▪️ Game-plan how you will stay active, set up your trainer and get pedaling, get out your headlamp (and microspikes if you are somewhere icy) and go for a night hike, sign up for a local evening class or online workout plan.
▪️ Set out clothing the night before.
😴 💤 🌚
Catch Your Zzz’s
▪️ Set a bedtime routine and stick to it! You might feel energized to stay up later but don't be fooled and sucked into hitting the snooze button a few hours later.
☕ 🍵 ☕
Fuel Your Fuel Motivation
▪️ Share some Skratch Hot Matcha or Apple Cider and test new portable recipes for long workouts to keep the fuel motivation high.
▪️ Program the coffee pot before leaving for your workout.
🎵 🎶 🎵
Pump Up the Jams
▪️ Save your favorite playlist for listening to only in the morning, music motivation.
👥 👥 👥
Hey buddy!
▪️ Workout with a friend to help hold each other accountable and keep you company.
Have a hack to add to help others? Drop it in the comments ⬇️
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Tips + Tricks for Colder Days
Don't let limited daylight throw off your routine.
During the fall + winter, seasonal affective disorder can kick in... light, exercise, and friends can help with the symptoms of SAD. We've got you covered with some hacks from our friends at Skratch Labs to help. Head to the link to learn more.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Cold weather/indoor training hydration
Even when the sweat isn't dripping, chilly weather is a prime time to focus on what's in your water bottle.
During winter activities you may not sense that you are losing a lot of fluid or you may not feel that you need to drink, making sure you stay on top of your hydration, especially with something warm. It’s a lot easier to keep your core temperature up from the inside out than it is from the outside in, so having an insulated bottle and keeping some warm hydration product can be a small but significant thing.
This is one of the main reasons we stock Skratch hydration, it can be served warm! Something to use on those cold days that tastes good hot and that reminds you to bring something out with you that had some calories and electrolytes. #skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Timing Your Nutrition
When preparing to do your best in a competitive event or training, it goes without saying that proper food and drink is a critical piece of the puzzle.
But, as much of an emphasis as athletes put on what to eat and drink, we often see them making even bigger mistakes with when ⏰ they consume their food and hydration.
Those mistakes can manifest in a host of negative consequences that range the gamut from up-chucking 🤢 a pre-workout meal to simply not having the energy to maximize a workout.
To help prevent this mistiming woe, our friends at @skratchlabs put together a handful of guidelines gleaned from years of well-timed and not so well-timed experiences that highlight some important tips about how to time your nutrition before, during, and after your next workout or race. Of course, everyone is different and what may work for some, may not work for you. So as always, it’s imperative that you treat yourself as your own experiment and learn what works best for you. After all, timing is everything!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
How to Prevent + Cope with Hitting the Wall
Anyone can hit an invisible wall. Ultimately, it’s being aware of what is generally unseen that allows us to eliminate fear and to move forward in our most difficult moments. Don't let that dreaded moment when your body implodes and negative thoughts become so overpowering they literally stop you in your tracks and pedal stroke happen. Our friends at Skratch Labs worked with Clinical and Sport Psychologist, Dr. Kristin Keim to provide some tips to prevent and cope with hitting the wall.
Head to the link to help build out your motivation toolbox.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
5 Tips for Better Fueling
Fueling for endurance activities requires training in itself – practice and experiment to nail down a strategy that works for you. Dr. Allen Lim from Skratch Labs shares some of his tips after decades of coaching pro endurance athletes to help you find a fuel & hydration strategy that will make your body & mind perform better.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Fueling Tips
☑️ Skip the meal replacements in favor of real food
☑️ Eat and drink three hours before your ride
☑️ It's also OK to eat and drink right when you start riding
☑️ Riding fasted can occasionally be a good strategy too
☑️ Drink to thirst and don’t just drink plain water
For more head to the link!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
How to Train for a Virtual Marathon or DIY Race
Have you ever ran a marathon when it was supposed to be 'cool' outside but it ended up being super hot? Ever 'carboloaded' the NIGHT before the race and got stomach cramps? Thought you knew what you needed on the day of but ended up stopping in the porta potty at mile 5?
Skip the misery and try these tips:
Tip 1: Carboload (the right way)
Tip 2: Adapt to the heat
Tip 3: Dial-up your salt & water intake
Tip 4: Plan ahead
Head to the link to get the details on how to make this happen.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
5 Tips for Fueling during Endurance Sports
As an endurance athlete, you're busy logging the miles and getting those training sessions in. But have you thought about what you put into your body and how you treat it to help it perform its best? Here are some tips to get started, head to the link to learn more behind why.
1. Eat & Drink Early & Consistently
2. Try Eating Real Food
3. Don’t Just Drink Water
4. Learn What You Need in Training
5. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Rice Cakes
Getting ready for a big training session and looking for something tasty to take with you? Look no further than Dr. Allen Lim's rice cakes.
Nothing beats real food to give your body what it needs to perform. Head to the link for tips on how to wrap these up for your jersey pocket and a recipe to get started.
More recipes available in the Feedzone Cookbooks available at the shop. #skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
How to Prevent + Cope with Hitting the Wall
Anyone can hit an invisible wall. Ultimately, it’s being aware of what is generally unseen that allows us to eliminate fear and to move forward in our most difficult moments. Don't let that dreaded moment when your body implodes and negative thoughts become so overpowering they literally stop you in your tracks and pedal stroke happen. Our friends at Skratch Labs worked with Clinical and Sport Psychologist, Dr. Kristin Keim to provide some tips to prevent and cope with hitting the wall.
Head to the link to help build out your motivation toolbox.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Timing Your Nutrition
When preparing to do your best in a competitive event or training, it goes without saying that proper food and drink is a critical piece of the puzzle.
But, as much of an emphasis as athletes put on what to eat and drink, we often see them making even bigger mistakes with when ⏰ they consume their food and hydration.
Those mistakes can manifest in a host of negative consequences that range the gamut from up-chucking 🤢 a pre-workout meal to simply not having the energy to maximize a workout.
To help prevent this mistiming woe, our friends at @skratchlabs put together a handful of guidelines gleaned from years of well-timed and not so well-timed experiences that highlight some important tips about how to time your nutrition before, during, and after your next workout or race. Of course, everyone is different and what may work for some, may not work for you. So as always, it’s imperative that you treat yourself as your own experiment and learn what works best for you. After all, timing is everything!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs


Your Shop Co.
Take away the stigma that cookies are just an indulgence and it’s clear that homemade cookies from scratch are a great alternative to many prepackaged snacks.
Compared to many fueling products, cookies are nutritionally similar and easier to eat and digest because they’re simpler, have more moisture, and lack excess ingredients. Head to the link to get the secret recipe from Skratch Labs used by Dr. Allen Lim for pro cyclists on the Tour de France.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs
No time to make cookies, we carry Skratch Labs Anytime Energy Bars, for when you want balanced nutrition on your run or bike but don't have the time and want real fuel.
Head to the link to get baking, or come see us to get your bars.

Your Shop Co.
Bacon Almond Butter Rice Cakes
Are you looking for something savory and fresh to eat while on the bike, a long run, or out on your next adventure? We've got a solution for you: rice cakes made from scratch.
Nothing beats real food to give your body what it needs to perform. Here's a simple recipe from our friends at @SkratchLabs for Bacon Maple Almond Butter Rice Cakes
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs
Head to the links to get cooking.

Your Shop Co.
Rice + Eggs
Rice + Eggs. A simple but powerhouse breakfast for many professional athletes, especially on race day. Your glycogen store will thank you for this one. So good you may eat it everyday, If you do just be sure to stock your condiment selection and mix things up every now and then. Head to the link for the recipe from our friends at Skratch Labs.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Skratch baked Donut Recipe
Make your post-workout donut count by also getting your Skratch hydration in your snack. Their Apple Cider Baked Donut recipe is a post-ride win! How are you training this winter?
Come to the shop to get your Skratch mix to get cookin'!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Heat Yo Skratch!
Put away the Swissmiss, and the coffee creamers laden with preservatives and artificial flavors, and reward your workouts with Skratch Recovery Mix served hot!
Swing in to get your Skratch mix and turn the heat up in your bottle.
Head to the link for all the ways to get creative.
Hot Cocoa
- 1 scoop chocolate recovery
- 6 oz of hot water
Skratch coffee
- 8 oz of your favorite hot coffee
- 1/2 scoop of horchata as alternative to adding creamer
- 1/2 scoop coffee recovery
- 1/2 scoop chocolate recovery
- 6 oz of hot water
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Athlete Fruit Cake
Traditional fruitcake always gets a bad rap; those little green chunks of what-is-that? But our friends at Skratch Labs revamped it for athletes. Their version is one of those amazing nutrient-dense foods that can be perfect for any endurance athlete and any athletic endeavor.

Your Shop Co.
Skratch Served Hot
Put away the Swissmiss, and the coffee creamers laden with preservatives and artificial flavors, and reward your workouts with some hot Skratch Recovery. They keep it so simple, all you have to do is sub hot water for cold. Upgrade your winter drinks by stopping by the shop to pick some up! #skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Recipes for the Winter Season
The emotion and dedication you put into creating a great meal impacts not only your psychological response to the meal but also your physiological response. Said differently, if you put soul in, you get soul out -- and the food will taste better. There has always been a beautiful symbiosis between sport and food -- they both bring us together, and they both can deliver senses of happiness and healthfulness. If we've learned anything, it's that happiness and healthfulness are critical to driving athletic performance (and not the other way around).
Winter is one of our favorite times to really go for it with preparing a great meal. Whether it's for a holiday gathering, a family zoom, or just a feel-good personal escape, here are some delicious winter-y recipes to fill your bellies and souls, courtesy of Dr. Allen Lim, founder of @skratchlabs, and chef Biju Thomas, our favorite foodie.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Recovery Fudge Pops
Who doesn't want to recover from a long bike ride, run, hike, swim with a fudge pop? If you have worked, get creative with your recovery and treat yo self to one of fudge pops made from Skratch Labs Sport Recovery Mix (which you can find at our shop!).
These popsicles are easy to make but require a bit of time to plan ahead for a cool (and fudge-y) treat!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs

Your Shop Co.
Tortillas de Patata
One of the most essential parts of fueling as an athlete is making sure that you get ample carbohydrates and one of the ways to do that is with the simple potato. Our friends over at Skratch Labs often makes Tortilla de Patatas while helping professional athletes train and prepare for events such as Tour de France, and Olympics. Give it a go and bring us a slice when you do.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs
Head to the links to get cooking.

Your Shop Co.
Popsicles From Skratch
Level up your frozen treats by making them from scratch with Skratch! Come by the shop and grab some Skratch Hydration mix and get ready for an even tastier way to hydrate. You can use Skratch mixes to make cold, refreshing, rehydrating frozen treats at home.
Just mix a single serving packet of drink mix with 16 oz of liquid (we recommend water or juice,) then blend up with fresh fruits, berries, or mix-ins ample enough to make 3 cups (24 fl.oz) of popsicle mix and freeze! You'll have enough to make 6 popsicles in a standard mold.
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs
Head to the link for more popsicle recipes.

Your Shop Co.
Recovery Poptarts
Skratch Labs believes that good things happen when you mix science and deliciousness and we agree! So they took the childhood classic and made it from scratch with Skratch. An anticipated reward for after a hard effort. No matter how tough training gets, nothing beats a great tasting snack after a workout to help kick-start recovery.
This recipe features Skratch's Recovery Sport Drink Mix, which is designed to rapidly refuel, rehydrate, and rebuild you when you’re completely empty after your longest and hardest workouts.
Technically, Recovery Sport Drink Mix is a 4 to 1 ratio of carbohydrate to protein, that’s designed to bring your blood sugar up fast. This causes the hormone insulin to spike, which is key to getting the sugar, electrolytes, fat, and protein in their Recovery Sport Drink Mix back into muscle fast. Basically, their Recovery Sport Drink Mix is really sweet milk – like chocolate milk, but without a tongue-twisting list of excess ingredients and with a more optimized macronutrient profile for restoring muscle glycogen (aka, refueling). Combine that into a chocolate pop-tart filling and tasty dough and you've got yourself the ultimate post-workout treat. Pick up some recovery mix to get baking from our shop!

Your Shop Co.
Recovery Pancakes
Looking for a way to fuel back up after a hard effort? Work hard, play hard, carb hard with this Recovery Pancake recipe from our friends at Skratch Labs. Pick up your recovery mix for this from us and get cooking!
#skratchdealer #skratchlabs